Open Feature Requests:
Change Waiver Wire Order
Player Voting /each game
Stuart (13-Mar-2017): This would be a great feature. We also run a Brownlow style award.
Bye Rounds
Mike (04-Jun-2016): Admin I am in two comps that both need to manage the bye rounds. One of these comps does not use The Bench primarily because of this feature. Would love you guys to implement. Cheers Mike
Android app please
Remove the Mini Waiver
The Pimpissioner (16-Jun-2020): Agree
Auction Draft
online status of coaches
TheBench (28-Jul-2015): Interesting!
Addition of spoils/intercept possessions scores
Cork (12-Mar-2023): Legends League HQ supports the addition of this feature. Best, Founding Father - CJY
Fridge (16-Feb-2024): The intercept possessions should be added - it's a way to bring the defender into the game.
Double Header option
Reward for Rep Players, not penalty.
private message feature/option to display email
Drag and Drop
TheBench (1-Sep-2015): We will keep this one here but it is unlikely we will add drag and drop as it doesn't translate well on touch devices.
Clear Team
Matchups Page like old site
TheBench: Hey Rat, have you seen the Match-ups tab on the coaches box which shows predictions for future games and stats for game that have been played? Also, on the home page if you click on any of the games, it will expand to show the matchups. Does that do it for you?
Threepete (04-Aug-2014)): It does that, but to see how the players actually earned their score, you have to click player by player. When the stats provider for the NRL is so widely inconsistent and nontransparent it would be handy to have it viewable like the old NRLCEO platform for each matchup. Champion Data give some stats very willy nilly and i'm constantly left wondering how players got the points TheBench has allotted. EG: how Brett Stewart got 7 points this week (the phantom TA/LBA Champion have given). It would be cool to have it all on one page again in a 'detailed matchup' style page
Face Slap feature in Banter
TheBench (28-Jul-2015): I could see a benefit from this feature!
Message Users
Threepete (04-Aug-2014)): Definitely needed. When the only contact point is a public banter page discussing trades is risky. I can't trade-rape someone in public; a do-gooder might intervene!
Miggs (06-Aug-2014)): Ever heard of email, SMS, phone calls, drinks at the pub etc?
Only View Unselected Players
App for iphone
Android app
Coaches box - “clear team” b__ton
Change Waiver Wire Order
Attachments Feature for Spreadsheets and Word Docs
goal assists
Convert Free League to Paid
Rolling lockout bye teams
Combining bye rounds into 1
Round down
Select Newly Drafted Players
Auction Draft
Search Kickers
Limit drafting during season
Re-list Mumford please
Private Comp History
Coach to Coach Banter
Stats missing
Stats missing
AFL - rename
Trade King
Captain Position in Reporting Pages
6 Team Finals Format
TheBench (10-Dec-2015): Hey, the final 6 McIntyre is the cause quite a few questions for all the same reasons the AFL dropped it so we retired it last year too. We hope to give it an overhaul for 2016.
Alternate Scoring System
kicking points
Registration Process
Auto picked teams penalty
Loan players
No Look Thommo (07-Aug-2014): Whether it "evens itself out" is debateable, but fact is we all know the fixtures when we do the draft, so you should factor in a bit of a spread of players to cover for these bye weeks
TheBench (12-Aug-2014): Hey DrewP, the way TheBench deals with byes is to let you setup field positions that are 'disabled' for certain rounds. eg. if the Bye round is round 7, your competition manager can choose to disable a couple of the field positions for round 7 so you need to only pick a smaller team.
Completed Feature Requests:
Waiver Wire
TheBench (17-Oct-2014): OK, development done, it will be available for 2015.
Ronnie (24-Jun-2015): Waivers should reset Every Wednesday to Inverse Order of Standings so it gives priority to teams lowest in the overall league standings each week and moves teams to the lowest waiver priority after each successful claim. This way the last player doesnt get first dibs on all free agents
Ladder sorting by Score For
Gero (02-Aug-2014)): This is a must have feature for 2015. Or at least give an option to choose
Miggs (02-Aug-2014)): Should be a given....ranking by percentage is contrary to everything else about this style of fantasy football....we want to be differentiated from supercoach etc.
TheBench (17-Oct-2014): OK, development done, it will be available for 2015.
Trading Draft Picks
Robbo (07-Aug-2014): Definitely a good idea this Miggs. better than many of the others you have had, and a much better way to be dodgy than playing silly with the rolling lockout.
TheBench (17-Oct-2014): We have build the ability for the Competition Manager to completely customise the Draft order so if we haven't build a fully integrated Draft Pick Trading feature, you can at least sort out the trades off-line and get the Comp Manager to update the system.
Green and Red Indicators for selected players
TheBench (28-Jul-2015): Hey guys. Unlikely we will be able to do this as we don't have a concrete feed of the named players from our stats providers. Agree on the injuries, it is frustrating that this list is typically a week old. With injuries, we figure however that this give a coach a bit of a prompt to double check so hopefully better than nothing. If we would go down the 'named' player path, I'd be worried that if we didn't get it exactly right (which is possible when matching on player names), then we would piss off more people than we would want!
Trade Room
Lockout timer & rolling lock indicator
TheBench (28-Jul-2015): Have a look at the fixture page. For each round, there is a 'Real Games' link which list the lock out times for each of the real games.
Perth Timezone
This would go for other timezones too I guess
Tom (11-Aug-2014): Cant imagine he goes too well in fantasy footy if he cant figure the timezones out
TheBench (17-Oct-2014): OK, development done, it will be available for 2015.
Confirmation button when drafting
TheBench (12-Aug-2015): This one should have been marked as done way back at the start of the year (2015). There is three spots you can draft from. 1. On the home page, this is the main spot where a coach would draft for themselves and the system will ask you to confirm your selection. 2. in the iOS app. This was added at the start of 2015 and also asks you to confirm your selection. 3. On the draft console which is designed for a Comp manager to quickly enter players during a live draft - this place doesn't ask you to confirm as this interface is all about speed and the Comp Manager can go back and fix any miss hits easily.
Captains option
Jeff (07-Aug-2014): There is a competition set upfor this already . It's called super coach or dream team time or something like that. Either way, it's not for the bench.
Threepete (08-Aug-2014): Hey Jeff. Maybe you are new around here, but that has been a standard NRLCEO feature up until the new platform didn't allow it this year. Captains give underdog coaches hope. If you are playing a vastly superior opponent, you can roll the dice on a winger scoring a brace. They keep more people more interested in the league for longer and have worked well for the last three years for my leagues. As always, just make the feature an option in case people such as yourself don't want it.
Adrian S (11-Aug-2014): Captains a must for next year. No question. If some people don't want captain then give opt out version.
Stats page
TheBench: If you go to the Players tab, you will see a "Player Performance" link on the left that should give you the sort of report you are looking for so you can browse and sort all players by stats and scores. Does that do it for you?
Threepete (04-Aug-2014)): I never realised how useful that page is (or that it existed). It's awesome! That feature needs to be promoted more/made more easily visible and accessible
pom (05-Aug-2014)): I agree, I had no idea that was there either. The site could definitely be laid out in a more clear manner as I reckon most people wouldn't have seen that. On that note though, can you add a "Total for the season" option. It's cool to see round by round, but I think most people would like to see a total for the season.
Miggs (06-Aug-2014)): The stats are a great feature....saves me hours of trawling through spreadsheets each week to come up with my winning combination.
As part of this, could you also please include averages for the past 5 and past 10 games, along with their standard deviation as a differential from the overall season average, and from the players' average as a senior player after they have notched 20 games?
Adrian S (11-Aug-2014): It would be good for this page to have a sort function. that actually worked properly. Looking to sort by average score and I have been unable to do this.
TheBench (12-Aug-2014): Hey Adrian, sorting by averages for NRL is disabled due to some of the scoring complexities. We will have look for next year.
Dropping & Drafting Players
Rolling Lockout for all Rounds
Miggs (02-Aug-2014): This is a terrible's confusing as it is for those ridiculous split rounds and open to skulduggery by dodgy coaches (eg. Paul Robinson). Only clueless coaches rely on rolling lockouts.
TheBench (5-Aug-2014): We don't think any idea is terrible, everyone does it different so if we were to add the option we would make if something the Comp Managers/Commish can turn off if it is now wanted. By the way, NRL has rolling lockout for all games so this one is just for the AFL guys.
Ronnie (24-Jun-2015): Players who have played, should not allowed to be dropped untill the last competition game is played for the round. That being said, a player who is signed should be alowed to be activated straight away before rolling lockout, instead of the following week. Positions who have Players who dont play that week or positions not selected should be allowed to be edited during rolling lockout
Rolling lockout
Upload Images and Video in banter
Griz (26-Aug-2015): I used to be able to do this but the new coding language will not let me
TheBench (27-Sep-2015): Done. You now have 3 tabs to post a message, video from YouTube or upload an image.
Multiple Player Trades
TheBench (12-Aug-2014): Hey there. Thanks for the suggestion. We already support 2-for-2 (and 2-for-2-for-2 and 3-for-3 etc) but doing any unbalanced trades is quite complex and so we have avoided it to date. The complexity is around making sure the trade drops as many players as are picked up so the max squad size is not exceeded - to date we have done this by making sure the trade is balanced with the same number of traded players on both sides of the trade. If this one is popular we can look at it more.
Free Dr Pepper
Chief Bobcat (04-Aug-2014): Will give you guys my address when this is passed.
TheBench (05-Aug-2014): Nice!
Create a new User with a Club
Manually Change Fixture in NRLCEO
TheBench (13-Apr-2016): Hey here Hewie, you can customise everything. Perhaps checkout these two posts to give you a bit of background and info on how to do it.
18th man
TheBench (12-Aug-2014): Hey Macabe, thanks for the suggestion. TheBench already supports this functionality and is used for most of the AFL games. You simply need to setup a new position and change the type from 'FIELD' for 'BENCH'.
Greater user Teams seperation
Regarding the Banter, when you are posting a message, have a look for the checkbox which lets you post to your current Competition only. This means only the Coaches in that particular Competition will see the message and not any Coaches in other Competitions that you are participating.
JD (05-Aug-2014): I think your still missing the point. If say you are in 3 leagues and happen to have a cpl players shared between different leagues their posts may be posted to one league but you'll be unaware for which comp they were intended. Having a dropdown box that let you see banter from 'league 1', 'league 2' 'all leagues' would make the banter more free flowing for those in more than one comp and possibly facilitate trades to a higher degree. I can;t recall if 1 trade has been down in my legend of league comp.
TheBench (5-Aug-2014): Hey JD, we will have a look at it. Did you know that if a message was posted to only one Competition, there is a small note at the bottom of the banter tile when you hover your mouse over it, eg. "Posted to 'JD Competition' only". This might be what you are looking for. All that said, if it is confusing, we can have a look at making it easier.
Average Stat restricted to current season
TheBench (26-Apr-2015): Arhh Matt, flattery will get you everywhere. I have added two options in the drop down menu, one to select the current season and one to select the last 12 months.
Ability to see other teams starting lineups
TheBench (28-Jul-2015): Hey Rhys, did you know if you clicked on the game in the 'Scores' tab on the Home page, you can see the head-to-head breakdown and scores for each game?
Mid season draft
TheBench (04-Mar-2015): Hey there, you can already do this. We actually have a bunch of Comps that run this way. To start with, you need to set the 'Max Squad Changes' to 0. This stops anyone making any squad changes after the draft. Next, come round 10, get everyone to drop X players and then, on the Competition Edit page, use the "Start Mid-season Draft" link to restart the draft.
Bench - Two Forwards and Two Backs
Jack Gibson Jr (16-Aug-2014): Nope
Twiztid (03-Mar-2015): In our comp the owner set up backs with the code (BB) Bench Back and the code (BF) Bench Forward. He made the top 2 bench spots of ones that can only be filled with (BF) and the bottom 2 spots to be filled with (BB). I guess you can use that as a work around. Just remember when a new player is added someone needs to update their position with the (BB) or (BF).
access denied error
TheBench (12-Aug-2014): Yikes, sounds more like a bug. Regardless of the votes we will look at this one!
Bacon (13-Mar-2018): This seems to be standard across all fantasy league operators to have a choice of waiver wire structures. Please vote for this additional feature. Thanks